Thursday, April 12, 2012

Paper Reading #9: CAN mobile gaming be imrpoved?

Fritsch, T., Ritter, H. and Schiller J. "CAN mobile gaming be imrpoved?". The 5th Workshop on Network & System Support for Games 2006.

Fritsch presents a MANET peer to peer network that is compared to basic broadcasting across an entire network in order to send packets.  CAN stands for Content Addressable Network.  The network is addressed using a hash table that maps into a virtual space the network structure.  It uses Patsy and Chord data structures for the address space in the coordinate system.  The paper does not describe the implementation of the network or the data structures, but shows the comparison to simply broadcasting over a dense network.

CAN has a larger overhead of constructing a network which is to be expected, and takes up to 6 minutes to construct a network of 100 users.  This being the case, there is a threshold for each test they do in terms of packet sending and node connection.  At each threshold, CAN outplays a regular broadcast.

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