Thursday, February 2, 2012

Paper Reading #1: Spectrum Abundance and the Choice Between Private and Public Control

Benjamin, S. “Specturm abundance and the choice between private and public control”. New York University Law Review. 2008, Vol 78, p2007-2101.

Dr. Benjamin expresses his reasoning as to why it is better to keep the privatization of the radio spectrum the way it is now rather than turn it into a "commons" of sharing.  He claims there are many proponents of open wireless communication.  Benjamin says that in this type of wireless commons, there has the potentiality to be significant radio interference.  The opposition says that these can be negated by low-power repeaters would eliminate this problem, but Benjamin dissagrees.

He also points to the deceit of his opponents.  He claims they do not really want an open community, but rather one that limits the type of transmissions and controls the network.  It would turn the care from taxpayers to shareholders which could be a dangerous thing.  He shows the benefit of the private competition being much great and beneficial for abundant networks than shareholders determining what is allowed.  Now with individual bands being allocated to specific groups for use, the quality and be optimal as they are able to regulate all of the data coming over the waves.  If there were a commons, this would not be the case and all the connections could suffer in quality because of it.

Radio Spectrum Chart

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